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Bipolar disorder is often described as a disorder in which a person alternates between two states, i.e., a manic and a depressive state. When the patient of bipolar mood disorder moves from one state to the other, the disorder can affect his/her behavior and personality. People with bipolar disorder exhibit several common symptoms, depending on the state that they are in. Also, bipolardisorderandaddiction can make things worse for the sufferer.

When the patient is in the manic mode, they have feelings of strong happiness and are often highly driven and creative. In fact, some very popular writers and artists have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder and have exhibited most of its symptoms. For example, people who exhibit bipolar disorder symptoms may talk incessantly and feel that they have a difficult time getting their point across, yet they have the ability to “think outside the box” and are able to attack certain intellectual problems from a strange perspective. In this state, they may sleep and eat little. Some people with bipolar disorder describe feelings that can only be described as extreme mania. Symptoms may include hostile behavior, a tendency to destroy property, and delusions, or even hallucinations.

The other side of bipolar disorder is the lower end, the state of deep depression. In this state, a person may exhibit a feeling of hopelessness, a loss of interest in work or family, anxiety, pessimism, a loss of interest in sex, and a desire to sleep nearly all day. Some people also exhibit other bipolar disorder symptoms, such as weight loss (or weight gain), thoughts of suicide, physical complaints (headaches, stomachaches, sensitivity to light), social withdrawal, and excessive use of alcohol or drugs.

Symptoms can strike anyone at any time. Unfortunately for many people across the globe, depression is an increasingly common disease with symptoms that may or may not lead to a proper diagnosis. Depression symptoms can cover a wide spectrum of different ailments, both mental and physical, so if you think depression is only a mental illness – think again. Be sure to consult your doctor before you take any steps to try and cure yourself of something you think might be depression just because you may have one or two “depression symptoms.” Not all depression can be cured with a simple dose of an antidepressant, as some forms of this troubling ailment can stem from other non-chemical factors.

There are two bipolar disorder symptoms that have been long known to be the most common. The first of these is an overwhelming feeling of sadness or a complete lack of hope. The second of the most commonly diagnosed depression symptoms is if you feel like everyday activities have completely lost their thrill. You may feel like not even getting out of bed because you do not care to do anything during the day. While normal, non-depressed people may feel these symptoms from time to time, that is completely normal. What you should look out for is whether or not you feel these symptoms on an everyday basis and if they are actually affecting your everyday life.

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